So its been awhile since I have been here. Although I have thought of blogging alot I just haven't had the moment to sit down and organize my thoughts.
Alot has transpired over these few months. Justin has graduated from boot camp and is loving his life as a seaman. He is upbeat, well groomed, matured, and seems to be in a good place for himself. Its amazing what a few weeks of structure can do to someone. I personally can think of several people in my life that need structure and discipline. Hell I enjoy structure and need it from time to time as well. Its good for anyone! Family was around to celebrate his graduation from BC. We were actually all together at once. Even though the family is broken apart and theres things left un-said. Its comforting to have all the siblings together. Life goes on...
Bryana had a birthday and turned 14. She recieved a nook for her bday and loves it. Bryana spends alot of weekends with me. I'm her second home. Its nice to have her most of the time.
Gabby turned 10 on Oct 5! I can't believe it. Life is passing by so fast. She requested a Halloween Party instead of presents. Sean and I totally ran with this and turned the basement into a haunted house. I was so proud of our efforts. Several others helped as well. It turned out perfect and the kids all seemed to have a blast. Gabby was grateful and thankfull for it all. Of course now I have to deal with an elevated fear of our already feared basement. It was so worth it! We had those kids freaked. Misson accomplished!
Now on to Daddy and Mommy...
Sean and I are currently in marriage counseling. Its been long over due. We are working hard on learning to love each other the proper way. Most of us learn about love from the way we were raised, shown on tv, etc... These however are not always the best examples. Everyones ultimate goal in life is to form an "us" When you become an "us" you are truly in a partnership with one another and your marriage is at its peak of union. I have always strived for better relationships with my friends and in my marriage. At times I think I have failed at both of these but I do feel that at times I have excelled in these areas as well. Regardless each of these require work and when one person isn't carry there weight in the relationship it suffers. I found that when I look back I feel that I always seem to carry the weight of the relationship the majority of the time for various reasons. In talking with this counselor I have come to the realization that I put up with alot more crap then I should be and that I deserve alot more. I see more of what is healthy and whats not. Sean is seeing this as well. Life is a work in progress.
Until next time...
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